Not able to see any images on front page of wordpress site.

Asked by:
rhlcbz / 5 Points
2016-05-09 11:16 pm EST
I am not able to see any images on my wordpress site, I am able to see images on media but not in home page.


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I have a site that is using the WP Bakery Page composer, and am unable to see images on the frontpage of my site. I am however, able to see the images on the post pages. How can I resolve this?" How does that work for you?
5 Points
2016-05-10 11:57 pm EST



16,266 Points
2016-05-10 12:11 am EST

Sorry to hear you are having trouble with your site displaying images on the home page. When looking at the source code that is created, all images that are called are displaying. I do not see any image links in the code that are not displaying on the page.

This means that they are not broken links, but likely an issue with the theme or plugin that is meant to create the homepage.

You may want to test a different theme or disable the plugin (if any) that helps create the front page.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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