position of right sidebar

Asked by:
chocolatepie / 10 Points
2012-07-29 3:42 am EST
I would like to ask how could I move up my Word Press website's right sidebar? It is simply way too down now, leaving a huge blank space on it.

my website: www.chinashowbiznews.com

Your kind assistance is much appreciated!

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16,266 Points
2012-07-30 5:08 pm EST
Hello chocolatepie,

Each theme has different features and can add different options in the WordPress dashboard. It seems the top area of the right sidebar may be reserved for something, I would check the theme to see what that may be. I would also check the widgets to see if there is an issue with one of those taking up the space.

If you are good at coding and would not mind manipulating the files, you can do so by going to Appearance >> Editor and you can then check to see if the styles.css or any other of the theme files can be modified to get the result you are looking for.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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