Send emails to users who have commented

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2014-01-13 5:21 am EST
Once my site is working and I make a post how will the people who commented know when I have made a new post?. Do I need to install a registration plugin?

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2,342 Points
2014-01-13 5:53 pm EST
I am unaware of a pre-built method to send emails to all users who have commented so this would be something that a developer would need to create for you. This method for collecting emails is can sometimes upset users as they did may not expect to get further emails. If you do this, be sure to also have an opt-out link within all emails to ensure that your are CAN-SPAM compliant.

While I am unaware of a method to send emails to previous commented users, I am aware of the Aweber plugin for WordPress that will allow users to click a checkbox when leaving a comment stating that they want to receive the newsletter. This would be the best way to implement something like this.

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