SEO All In One Plugin

Asked by:
TheTrews / 118 Points
2014-07-09 2:51 am EST
So i go to "edit post" in wordpress and get to the "SEO all in one" plugin. When i'm filling out the keywords section should i be surrounding keyword phrases with "". For example "russell brand", "russell brand latest", "russell brand 2014" etc.

Also i have another plugin called Metadata which i ignore because it seems very similar to the "SEO all in one plugin". Is this the right thing to do? Would using both plugins create a problem? Do they conflict with each other?

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17,314 Points
2014-07-09 3:19 am EST
Hello TheTrews,

As far as I can tell, you only have to add the keywords without the quotation marks. In fact, if you go to a POST page and edit it, you will see the keywords can be separated by commas. No quotation marks needed. As for the MetaData - a good example would the short description that you see when you're searching for something in Google. Metadata is provided when you use the All-in-one solution, so you should deactivate or remove your "metadata" plugin.

I would remove the two as they're doing the same thing, it is very possible that the two plugins are conflicting with each other.

Arnel C.

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ok i will disable the metadata plugin, ty
118 Points

2014-07-09 3:29 am EST
Hi arnelc sorry to keep dragging you back to this query but i just have to check something. I disabled the metadata plugin but i had some issues arise when i went to the FB debugger. So i realised i had to activate the "social meta feature" in the "seo all in one" plugin. Its seems fixed now but can you check this screen shot for me please and tell me its all ok because i don't understand the coding yet,
118 Points

2014-07-09 4:00 am EST
Hello again TheTrews,

It's no problem. Just an fyi, there's normally a live person responding to these questions/comments until 9PM Eastern time in the United States. After that, the coverage starts back up the next morning at 8 AM.

Concerning your appears in order to me. The Metadata plugin may have provided that info, but I'm not sure which plugin you were using previously, so I'm not sure. The feature you activated provides meta data for your social media posts so that they can be related to your website. The "Open Graph" thing you're seeing is related to Facebook. Here's a definition of Open Graph: The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. For instance, this is used on Facebook to allow any web page to have the same functionality as any other object on Facebook.

You can find more information on it here.

17,314 Points
2014-07-09 4:18 am EST
thanks a lot arnelc, your a star
118 Points

2014-07-09 4:35 am EST
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