Site error after Wordpress uninstall

Asked by:
suze1112 / 5 Points
2012-05-23 6:29 am EST
I was looking at Word Press and installed it. It is not what I want right now, so I tried to uninstall it. Now, I am unable to view my webpage in Safari. How can I correct this. My webpage is built on iWeb.
Thank you for your assistance.

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16,266 Points
2012-05-23 3:12 pm EST
Hello Suze1112,

The reason your site is not displaying properly is that the Wordpress was not completely uninstalled. The index.php remains, which is what is giving the error you see when visiting the page. We recommend using the Fantastico installer tool when installing and removing Wordpress so that it gets all files and leaves no residuals. I have removed that file for you. The Wordpress also renamed your original index.html file by appending some numbers so that it did not take precedence over the index.php file. I have renamed that back to index.html so that it now activates. Your site seems to be working correctly now.

If you have any more questions please leave a comment below and we can help you further.

Thank you!
- Scott M

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