Trouble installing WP and getting into cPanel

Asked by:
evie5 / 20 Points
2012-09-22 4:18 am EST
Last night, when I tried to install WordPress, I got an error (don't remember the wording but I copied and pasted it in an email to tech support). Today, I cannot log into my cPanel. I was asked for my password (which should be saved) and then the page would time out. What's up?

Edit: OK, I can get into my cPanel but still cannot install WP. This is the error I get:

Not Found

The server was not able to find the document (./frontend/x3/fantastico/autoinstallwordpress.php) you requested.
Please check the url and try again. You might also want to report this
error to your web hosting provider.

cpaneld/ Server at

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16,266 Points
2012-09-24 3:53 pm EST
Hello evie5

We have recently switched form Fantastico to Softaculous. You can now install WordPress and many other programs using that.

I do see that the 'Install WOrdpress' link is still pointing to the Fantastico folder, so I sent a report up to the team to take care of that. Thank you for bringing that to our attention.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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