Wordpress Error: Could not open handle for fopen() to /tmp/wordpress-3

Asked by:
gusfirpo / 5 Points
2013-09-07 2:03 pm EST
This is a message that i Receive... Any help?:

Update WordPress
Downloading update from http://wordpress.org/wordpress-3.6-new-bundled.zip…

Warning: touch() [function.touch]: Unable to create file /tmp/wordpress-3.tmp because No such file or directory in /home/gusfir5/public_html/weston-fitness.com/music/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 179

Warning: unlink(/tmp/wordpress-3.tmp) [function.unlink]: Operation not permitted in /home/gusfir5/public_html/weston-fitness.com/music/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 503
Download failed.: Could not open handle for fopen() to /tmp/wordpress-3.tmp

Installation Failed

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Were you updating from inside the WordPress control panel or from WebHostingHubs Softaculous Control Panel?

I've seen this before when my ex-GF complained she could not update her WordPress installation from the WordPress Admin control panel. This is how we got around the problem.

I went to the cPanel here on WebHostingHub. I went to the install apps page and clicked the icon on the top of the page for Application Installs. I then clicked the backup icon for the listed WordPress installation. It looks like a folder with a belt around it. After it is backed up I then clicked the update icon that looks like 2 blue swirling arrows. cPanel might tell you there is a version mismatch and then fix it. You can then click those 2 arrows again to update your install.

I think the version that gets stored in cPanel/Softaculous can have an issue if you update from inside WordPress sometimes. This solved the problem for us.

Short answer: Backup and upgrade from the cPanel not from inside WordPress itself.
8 Points
2013-09-07 04:27 pm EST



12,339 Points
2013-09-09 5:33 pm EST
Hello gusfirpo,

Thank you for your question. I have been seeing this error lately, it is due to an incorrect temporary folder location.

Here is a link to a similar question, where I provided a detailed answer.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,


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