Using WP e-Commerce plugin in WordPress

Asked by:
olukay / 58 Points
2012-02-06 8:13 pm EST
Please,somebody help.
I need to install wp e-commerce on my wordpress which i have done and activated. But,how do i feature my e-book (my product)and my payment processor e.g paypal? How do i do it that after payment is made,the buyer start the download of the e-book purchased.Please i really want a step by step explanation from the beginning to the end because i do not know anything about it.

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-02-06 9:27 pm EST
Hello olukay,

Thank you for your question on using the WP e-commerce plugin. We are working on documentation for this particular plugin, but those articles are still in progress at this point. In the meantime, I hope the following information will be helpful:

Now that you have installed WP e-commerce, the next step is to set up your Payment Gateway. If you did not add your PayPal email account during the initial install, you will want to add your PayPal email under Settings > Store > Payments.

Next, add your e-book category, this can be found under Products > Categories in your WordPress dashboard. In your case, ebook would be a good suggestion for your category. You can add a simple description for your category and even add a thumbnail image if you like. Click the Add New Prodcut Category button to save this new category. Don't forget to delete the sample category that was created when you installed WP-ecommerce (you can view your categories in the upper right area of the Products > Categories page).

Once you have created your new category, add your new product (Products > Add New) and be sure to assign it to the new ebook category you created above. When adding your new product, you will have the option to upload your ebook since it is a digital product. Click the Publish button to add this product to your site. When you navigate to your Products Page on your site, you will see your ebook as a prodcut.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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