Website still won't publish after trying all suggestions

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2014-07-04 4:06 am EST
I've tried resetting widgets, changing the permalink, and I keep getting the 404 error message and "under construction" page whenever I try to preview the work I have edited or tried to publish. Ive been trying change my theme as other people suggested but it won't load and I've tried to preview other themes and the same thing happened. What should I do to fix these issues?

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3,713 Points
2014-07-04 4:21 am EST
Hello, and thanks for your question.

It looks like your site was missing the WordPress index.php, and this is why the default.htm construction page was showing instead.

I went ahead and threw a default one in there and it looks like your WordPress site is displaying now.

Please let us know if you're still having any issues at all.

- Jacob

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Hello again,

I also noticed that you have the text googleac5ca393748b7c06.html at the top-left of all your pages coming from your Verify Google Webmaster Tools plugin.

You need to login to WordPress and then hover over Settings and click on Google Webmaster Tools to fix this.

It looks like when you got the verification from Google Webmaster tools you just grabbed the HTML filename version of verification. For this plugin you need to select the HTML tag verification method and grab the full tag that looks something like this:

<meta name='google-site-verification' content="_kCAfGTHeteHEEEG" />

- Jacob
3,713 Points
2014-07-04 4:27 am EST
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