Website sudden format error on wordpress

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2016-09-10 8:25 pm EST
Our website suddenly changed the format and looks very strange. We have not done any changes to it for a couple weeks. Students clicked website and reported layout is very strange and they don't like it.

The only change maybe is that wordpress had a recent update but that was last week - this week is when the problem started. Any solutions? Website is

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16,266 Points
2016-09-12 5:40 pm EST

Sorry to hear you are having issues with your WordPress site formatting. In checking your site, I am not seeing any format issues. Were you able to correct it? Did it correct itself? Or is there a specific page or area that is misformatted? If so, please provide steps to get to that so we can attempt to troubleshoot the issue.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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