Whats the best voting plug-in to use on wordpress

Asked by:
viking84 / 25 Points
2013-03-19 7:41 am EST
I have a voting plug-in installed, but 4 some reason it does not clearly show the two options, only one. Also, it only allows one voting icon to appear at the bottom of posts. I had wanted to put a voting option underneath pictures that my users would submit

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16,266 Points
2013-03-19 3:53 pm EST
Hello viking84,

Different plugins have different features, so we cannot say which plugin is best for your particular situation. Currently, there are over 200 plugins for voting. To narrow them down a bit, read the description of each one for the features they have and then also check for a good star rating. This allows you to decide on just a few different ones. After that it is simply trial and error by installing and testing the ones you think you may like.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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