Why can't I see all the page templates shown on your site when using bbpress plugin?

Asked by:
ajburls / 5 Points
2013-02-17 10:48 pm EST
I am using Admire theme and want to use the page templates as shown in your instructions for how to install bbPress plug in but I only get the choice of default, and 1,2 or 3 columns.

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16,266 Points
2013-02-18 8:25 pm EST
Hello ajburls,

It seems the bbpress information needs to be updated as they have changed the way things operate just a bit.

I used a test installation with the Admired theme and installed bbpress as well. When attempting to create a page I too was missing all the bbpress options.

After much searching, I have found the new way bbpress works to integrate into the page templates dropdown. The steps below assume you have both WordPress and bbPress installed.

  1. Log into your file structure (via cPanel or FTP)

  2. go to the wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/ folder.

  3. Copy the bbpress folder to your themes default folder (for example /wp-content/themes/admired) copy the folder so the bbpress folder now appears in the theme section (wp-content/themes/admired/bbpress)

  4. Copy any files from the wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/extras folder that you may want into the wp-content/themes/admired/bbpress folder (files only, not the folder)

  5. Copy the files from the wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/css folder into your themes css folder (wp-content/themes/admired/css). Again, files only, do not include the folder.

Copying all that content into the theme folders allows the different options to display in the dropdown.

We will research and update the tutorials for the newest version of bbpress. Thank you for pointing out the issue.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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