Why is Facebook "Open Graph Object Debugger" giving me this message

Asked by:
TheTrews / 118 Points
2014-07-23 5:56 pm EST
Hi this query has begun by my inquisitiveness to check the url of my latest post in the facebook debugger, but i get a message which i do not really understand but i have tried to fix it using the steps below. original screenshot - http://grab.by/yPb4

1. so i get my facebook id, here is that screenshot - http://grab.by/yPa2

2. i put the id in the space provided in the SEO all in one social meta, here is the screenshot - http://grab.by/yP9Q

3. i go to Facebook "Open Graph Object Debugger" and i checked url for my latest post but get this error message, here is another screenshot - http://grab.by/yP9g

i don't understand why it is giving me an error message when i have completed the correct instructions as far as i know. Too be honest i'm not really sure what the purpose of putting this ID in the SEO all in one section of social meta does. How will have these error messages affect my wordpress site?

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2,342 Points
2014-07-23 6:07 pm EST
Your site itself is not affected at all. The Facebook page ID is only used by Facebook to provide additional statistics on your content. If the Insights section of your Facebook is showing correctly, I wouldn't worry about these errors. I have seen the OpenGraph Debugger produce false error messages quite frequently that are not necessarily occurring on the live environment. If you use Facebook Insights for your content and it is showing up correctly, I wouldn't worry about that error message at all.

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ok ty for your quick response, i had a feeling that i shouldn't worry about it too much because the like buttons i have on my site seem to be operating correctly but i had to be sure. When i tested the "like button" of the post myself as a user on my site everything seems to be communicating ok but i was wondering shouldn't a notification appear on my FB homepage saying i have actually liked something? i don't know, just curious.
118 Points

2014-07-23 6:14 pm EST
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