Wordpress BuddyPress Subscribe Form will not submit

Asked by:
LizDava / 5 Points
2012-08-22 7:19 am EST
Hi, I've tried every other option and I read that it could be the hosting provider that is causing the problem. I've already eliminated the possibility of it being caused by a plugin or my theme so... Please help I need this up and running. Thanks!

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16,266 Points
2012-08-22 4:23 pm EST
Hello LizDava,

I would love to help, I just need some more information in order to do so. I am getting a 500 error when clicking either the subscribe button or the become a member button at the top of the page. What plugin controls that area?

Also, it would be best if we could log into the wordpress in order to track the issue. For that, we would need the admin user and password.

You can send the specific information to docs@webhostinghub.com Be sure to validate your account with either the last 4 digits of the credit card on file, or the current Account Management Panel (AMP) password. As we do not actively monitor that address, be sure to leave a comment below so we know the information was sent.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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