Wordpress bullet points/numdered lists not displaying

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2014-11-13 3:51 pm EST
Hello, it is my third day of using wordpress and becuase I have an account through a private domain and not wordpress.org, I cannot ask for help on their forums.

I have written two articles on thecarspotter.co.uk, both have included bullet points and lists and appear no problem in the visual editor, but they do not appear in the preview or on the on the actual website. The text section reads:


<img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-59" src="http://thecarspotter.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Winter-Maintenance-Article-225x300.jpg" alt="Winter Maintenance Article" width="225" height="300" />

<strong>8 Items for your car</strong>
<li>Sunglasses - for the dazzling low winter sun</li>
<li>Ice scraper</li>
<li>Car phone charger</li>
<li>Food and water supplies - for particularly long journeys</li>
<li>Reflective warning sign and a high-visibility jacket</li>
<li>Shovel - once it has snowed or is forecasted</li>

<strong>13 basic maintenance tips</strong>

In no particular order:

I have no experience in coding but will attempt any fixes. Any help greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards

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The reason you are not seeing the numbers in your lists is because it is being overridden by your theme's css file. Specifically, the one located at: /wp-content/themes/carzine/style.css?ver=4.0

The code responsible states:
ul, ol{

The list-style:none; is the line that removes the numbers from the list. Commenting that line out or removing it will allow the numbers to show. Remember, however, that any change made there will also occur throughout your site for this theme.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M
16,266 Points
2014-11-13 04:44 pm EST
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