WordPress header images and turning off comments

Asked by:
none / 94 Points
2012-02-16 4:01 am EST
Can I have a different header on each page?
Second, I am working with the ten-eleven Theme. I created my first page and there is a comment box on the lower area of the page for a reply. How do I eliminate that?
My first page will be a blog to enter updates, but successive pages are content and photos only.

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13,688 Points
2012-02-16 6:10 pm EST

Thank you for your questions about headers and closing comments in WordPress.

The theme you are using (Twenty Eleven) has built-in support to show a different header on each page. To do this create or edit the page you want to show a particular image on. Upload and assign the header image as the featured image on that page and it will automatically become the header image on that page. Make sure you use an image that is large enough to be used as a banner image (1000px by 288px).

You will first want to turn off comments for your pages and posts. There are actually two steps to this. To automatically turn off comments on any future Pages or Posts you create, in your WordPress dashboard go to Settings > Discussion and clear the check box next to "Allow people to post comments on new articles." Next you will want to edit turn off comments for each of your existing Pages or Posts. View your list of Pages or Posts and select the Quick Edit link for a Page or Post. Clear the check box for "Allow comments" and click the update button. Repeat this for each Page or Post.

Finally, if you also want to remove the text on your site that says "Comments closed" you can do this within your stylesheet. First, make sure you are using a Child Theme. Then, in your Child Theme's style sheet, add the following CSS rule:

.nocomments {
display: none;

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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