Wordpress Installation after 'Addon' domain

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2014-01-10 1:26 pm EST
Hi, I have an Addon domain installed. I installed Wordpress into the public_html/lmynewdomain.biz but I cant access the control panel using the link that was provided. I get the error "Oops! Google Chrome could not find xxx.biz
Try reloading: xxx.­biz"
Can you help me fix this?

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2,342 Points
2014-01-10 4:55 pm EST
Be sure that the domain is appropriately pointed to the correct nameservers, as well as the domain has fully propagated. If you have recently pointed the domain to our nameservers, it can take up to 24 hours to propagate, thus the domain would not be able to be found quite yet.

In the meantime while waiting for propagation, you could also perform a host file modification to allow your computer to connect directly to the server using your domain.

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