Wordpress installs but can't get to admin

Asked by:
sethr / 11 Points
2012-11-17 2:44 am EST
I originally ported my old WP here and modified the admin php. That didn't work.

I deleted everything. I re-install from cPanel using the same directory name I had at the last host. Nothing. So I changed strategies.

After deleting all WP files/directories and SQL dbs and users, I have installed from cPanel --and removed-- five times today. I still cannot get an admin panel.

I tried on install to the root without a named directory. Nothing.

This last time I made absolutely sure ALL SQL is deleted, all DB users are deleted, and all files/dirs are gone.

I went through the install again. Still no access. IE only asks if I want to save the 5.xKB php file (!?!?)

I have been through the Wordpress.org forums. The best advice I can get from them is contact the host.

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17,314 Points
2012-11-17 3:46 am EST
Hello Sethr,

I'm not sure how you're doing the Wordpress installation. There's actually a much easier way to load Wordpress - using Softaculous in the Cpanel. Here are some instructions for that task:

Using Softaculous to load software

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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