Wordpress not crunching images

Asked by:
rkd77 / 8 Points
2013-03-05 5:42 pm EST
I have been having an issue with Wordpress since buying a Nikon d800. This camera produces 7360x4912 sized images. They are ~16MB apiece. My upload limit per pic is 128MB.

The image can upload, but it will report an error during the crunching process, where wordpress generates a thumbnail. Based on my research, I need more server memory in order to generate these thumbnails.

How do I go about this?

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16,266 Points
2013-03-05 10:19 pm EST
Hello rkd77,

I would need to see the specific error message you are receiving for troubleshooting, Feel free to place it in a comment below.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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