WordPress version not in sync in Softaculous

Asked by:
Jayip54 / 21 Points
2013-11-08 12:30 am EST
When I update Wordpress via the /wp-adminpage the new update does not show up if I check the version in cPanel here. Why is that?

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17,314 Points
2013-11-08 1:08 am EST
Hello Jayip54,

Thanks for your question! As per your support ticket (which I also answered), the Softaculous software that tracks your installed version is NOT notified/activated when you WordPress updates its version. This is especially true now that Wordpress is automatically running its own updates. Wordpress updates can also be run directly in the Wordpress admin, but this again will not activate the Softaculous update. Here are the steps for updating it manually:

  1. Login to cpanel

  2. Go to Softaculous in the Software/Services section and click on it to launch it.

  3. Click on the "All Installations" icon in the top right in order to see a list of your installations in Softaculous.

  4. Find your Wordpress installation, then hover over the icon for EDIT DETAILS (fourth icon to the right in the group of icons on the right) and click on it.

  5. You will see a yellow box with text at the top of the screen that says "Hmm...it looks like the actual version of the installation is 3.7.1 and not 3.7. Click here to update Softaculous records." - or something similar. Click on the link and it will update.

Hope that helps! Let us know if you have any further questions.

Arnel C.

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