WP website memory issue.

Asked by:
twoelevenjay / 5 Points
2013-05-09 9:37 pm EST
I am working the web site for the account under swilkes@fiberguide.com. Registered to Steve Wilkes. My name is Leon and my email is leon.shelhamer@gmail.com.

I have followed the sugesstion of WP to add the line :define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '96M'); to the wp-config.php file and this does not work for some reason. I have also followed the webhostinghub.com documentation in creating a php.ini file and making it recursive. This did not help either. I know in past experience after editing the php.ini file I would need to restart the server. Is this something that you would have to do? Any assistance that you can provide would be great.

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17,314 Points
2013-05-09 10:10 pm EST
Hello Twoelevenjay,

I took a look at the site, and there is a default php.ini file in the root of public_html. The memory setting in this one is 2048. I changed it to 96 MB, and then I checked the setting using the phpinfo.php file
(it's at the root of the folder - you can run it in a browser). I did move the recursive setting in the htaccess file up to the top. That may have helped. However, the memory limit is now working correctly. Please let us know if you need any further assistance.

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Arnel C.
Web Hosting Hub
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