Can I run 2 installs of Zen Cart?

Asked by:
Howcho / 8 Points
2012-07-11 5:49 am EST
Zen Cart
I've successfully installed Zen Cart v1.50 with sample data and have been working with sample customers, sending emails, new categories and products, etc.

All that is going well, but I think I might like to change my approach: I would like to keep doing that at, say, or, but as I learn I'd like to also start developing the real site at without the clutter of the sample data.

I want to keep the sample data at the testdrive site because it's a great learning aid (and I still have a lot to learn!).

Can I have 2 installs of Zen-Cart at those 2 locations? If so, should I use a subfolder in my root directory ( or should I use a subdomain (

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16,266 Points
2012-07-11 4:47 pm EST
Hello Howcho,

You may certainly install a second instance of Zencart. This will create a new install and database so they operate independently. The only restriction is you cannot place it in the same subdirectory as any other program.

I hope this answers your question. If you have any more questions or information specific to the issue please leave a comment below so we can further assist you.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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