Updated Zen Cart and now I get a 500 internal service error

Asked by:
Stacey / 5 Points
2012-10-01 5:12 pm EST
Zen Cart
I updated zen cart and initially every thing was well and I was able to view my admin page. Then things took a turn for the worse and every time I try, I get an internal server error message. What could be the problem and how can I correct this quickly. I'm not an IT person, so I need a simple answer.

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12,339 Points
2012-10-01 5:59 pm EST
Hello Stacey,
Sorry to hear you are experiencing issues after up-grading your zencart software. I understand this type of thing can be frustrating.

Here is a link to our article on troubleshooting 500 errors.

I looked over the site and am getting a blank screen, what is the exact error you are receiving?

I see 2 zc-admin folders: zcadmin, and zc-admin. How did you perform the upgrade, was it done manually by uploading files, or via softaculous?

Also, what was the last thing you were working on before this issue occurred?

Thank you,

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