Domain transfers require a series of confirmations as domains change hands.

Change of Ownership Lock

Some changes made in the domain contacts (whois) will now be considered a change of ownership. These include the first name, last name, organization name, and admin email. This means a contact update to the above information will initiate the 60-day transfer lock, preventing any transfer of the domain for a period of 60 days.

Summary of Domain Transfer Policies

As a domain is transferred from one registrar to another, or from one person to another, there will now be a series of confirmations that must be made on both sides in order to have a successful transfer.

If these email confirmations are ignored or lost then the transfer will be aborted. For specific instances and scenarios, please read the official OpenSRS documentation. Likewise, OpenSRS has updated their registration agreement.

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2017-12-28 9:35 am

How do I transfer my domain name away from WebHostingHub?

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2017-12-28 8:33 pm
Our Live Support team can help you unlock your domain and get Authorization Code. They are available 24/7 365 days a year.

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