Slashes in JoomlaWhen you install a new copy of Joomla on your server, you may experience strange coding issues like the snapshot to the right. The text for the title of the anchor contains a \ slash in it. When you inspect the code for the link it looks similar to the following:

Added entities in code Joomla
<a href="/help/\&quot;http:/\&quot;" target="\&quot;_blank\&quot;" title="\&quot;\&quot;">Sed tincidunt convallis dolor at luctus.</a>

The correct code should look like the following code.

<a href="" target="_blank" title="">Sed tincidunt convallis dolor at luctus.</a>
This cannot be fixed in the Joomla editor. To fix this, a system setting will need to be changed.

What causes the slashes to be added?

This is caused by having magic_quotes_gpc turned on in your php.ini. The magic_quotes_gpc will add slashes to quotes when saving your articles. To fix this you will need to disable magic_quotes_gpc. You can do this by following the steps below.

Turning magic_quotes_gpc off

  1. Log into your cPanel.
  2. Go to the File manager. Select the public_html directory and click Go.
  3. Edit your php.ini file.

    Note! If you do not have a php.ini, our tech support can restore it to your public_html.

  4. magic quotes on JoomlaFind the line in your php.ini that says magic_quotes_gpc.
    magic_quotes_gpc = On

    magic quotes off JoomlaChange the Value to Off.

    magic_quotes_gpc = Off

    It should look like the snapshot to the right.

    Save the changes.

  5. Fixed without the slashes JoomlaFinally, make sure your php.ini file is recursive. Now when you hover over the link your will see the \ slashes gone.
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