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Hello QuickStarter customers! QuickStarter is a one-page website created by our design experts with your business vision in mind.

Your website starts with obtaining the design requirements of your site. Based on these requirements, the web designer completes the design within 2 business days. Each site can also be expanded so that when your business grows, you can scale your website to match. With your account you also get the ability to manage the website, personally make customizations, and setup a business email address based on your website's domain name.

Top Features of Quickstarter

  • A professionally designed one-page website, ready in just 2 business days
  • Customized to fit your business needs, including company info, contact forms and key products
  • Links to your social platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and more
  • SEO optimization to get you recognized by Google and other search engines
  • Built on WordPress, so you can easily add more pages whenever you're ready

Once you've submitted your order, your Designer should be e-mailing you once your new website is complete! Please do not attempt to log into your website and make any changes until the site delivery has been completed.

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