Softaculous is a software installation program that makes it easy for you to load internet applications like Wordpress, Joomla or Drupal.  This simplifies the installation process saving you time and the frustration of gathering and interpreting installation files using pre-programmed setup routines.

This tutorial will show you the simple steps to installing a program with Softaculous. There are well over 200 programs in Softaculous, but installing each application follows the same procedure.

How to setup an application using Softaculous:

  1. Log into your cPanel
  2. Click the Softaculous link, which is located under the Software/Services section
  3. Click on the program you would like to install
    Browsing programs Top Applications
    If you want to browse through the available programs you can install using Softaculous, click on any category in the left menu. For example, if you want to run a blog,  then click the Blogs category. This will list all of the blogging applications available in Softaculous. Under Top Applications, you will find a listing of the most popular applications being used on the web today. For example, Joomla, one of the most popular programs on the web, is listed with their program logo under TOP  APPLICATIONS
  4. If you select a program from the list at left, then click the Install button (located above the description of the software) to start the installation process. If you select one of the Top applications, you have the option to select the INSTALL button on the icon representing each application.
  5. Read, then complete the required the installation details and then click the Install button at the bottom of the page.

    To email yourself a copy of these installation details make sure that you enter your email address next to Email installation details at the bottom of the page.

    Generally, the installations may slightly vary, but they often request the same details. In example below, we are using Softaculous to install WordPress. A summary of the settings used are listed below.


    Software Setup

    Choose Protocol The most common option here will either be http:// or http://www.
    Choose Domain If you are managing multiple domain names on your account,  choose the one that you will specifically use for the program you are loading with Softaculous
    In Directory This setting allows you to select the specific folder name used by Softaculous for the installation of the program.  This will affect the URL used for your application.  For example, if you wanted users to visit (instead of simply to see your WordPress site, you would enter blog for this setting.  The application files will reside in the folder you specify.
    Database Name Name used to create the application database.  Do not change this unless you have a specific requirement to do so.

    Database Settings

    Table Prefix This prefix is used in the creation of the tables of the database created for the application.  Again, do NOT change this unless you are familiar with the database and you are required to change it. 


    Site Settings

    Site settings are generally settings such as your site's name and description. Most programs allow you to easily change these values after installing them.

    Administrator Account

    Normally, you will be required to designate the name and password to be used as the administration login of the program you are loading.  Make sure that you have recorded this information somewhere so that you do not forget it.

    Choose Language

    By default, the language is set to English.  If you wish to use another, then select a different language from the drop-down menu.

  6. When you click on the INSTALL button, a progress bar will appear to help you track the installation process. When your new software has been installed, you'll see a message similar to the following:

    Congratulations, the software was installed successfully.

    After this message has been displayed, the installation is complete.  You will then get two links - one for you newsite, and the other to your site's login page.
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n/a Points
2015-01-07 6:59 am

I got the links. However, when I click them it is still showing goDaddy not the default joomla site:(

17,314 Points
2015-01-07 5:38 pm
Hello FM,

Thanks for the comment. If you're still seeing a GoDaddy reference and you're using Web Hosting Hub as your hosting service, then you need to double-check your domain name servers. Your name servers should be pointed to Web Hosting Hub. Please review the tutorial and it should help you get your domain pointed to us correctly. If you're not using Web Hosting Hub, and you're not seeing what you have installed, then you may need to look at your configuration and see how you did your last installation.

I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Arnel C.
n/a Points
2015-04-13 11:01 am

After complete Installation i getting 2 links But Site not open. Please Reply Quick next steps?


16,266 Points
2015-04-14 12:08 am
Hello Biranchi,

The link provided does not work because the domain name is not registered. If that is the domain you installed the program under you will need to register it and have it assigned to the server before you can use it.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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