A 404 File Not Found error is returned by the server when someone tries to visit a page that does not exist. If when you attempt to visit a page on your website and get a 404 Not Found error, it is likely because the file is spelled differently or in a different folder then the website is accessing. 

How do I correct a 404 Not Found Error?

If the files are being moved from a prior host, it is important to make sure that the folder names and capitalization are the same.  Linux servers, which all Web Hosting Hub accounts use, are case sensitive.  For example if you upload photo.jpg into an Images folder, in your browser the link must be yourdomain.com/Images/photo.jpg, not yourdomain.com/images/photo.jpg or yourdomain.com/Images/Photo.jpg.  Also, make sure that the link is pointed to the correct folder, using the same example to access photo.jpg the link would have to include the Images folder, and not try to access the image at yourdomain.com/photo.jpg.

If you use WordPress for your site, plese see our WordPress Troubleshooting article for steps to resolve 404 errors in WordPress.

If the file path is correct and you are still getting a 404 Not Found error, please contact our technical support team so that we can look into the issue further for you.

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2012-04-13 11:38 am
Not doing very well with HUB. Google search worked for a day, then changed to a 404.
Yahoo and other searches do not recognize the URL.
What do I have to do - start again with a different host?
Alan Chalcraft
13,688 Points
2012-04-13 3:44 pm
Hello Alan,

I'm sorry you're having trouble with your website. Is the site you're having trouble with your main domain name or a different domain? I'm not seeing any trouble on your main domain name, other than some extraneous code that looks like it may have been intended to verify your site with Google.

You also recently emailed our Customer Care Department regarding a domain you are having trouble with (but not the main domain on your site). Unfortunately, the domain referenced in your email is not currently registered or set up in your cPanel as either an Addon on Parked domain. In order for that domain to work, please register it with a registrar that can register .uk domains and have them point the domain to our Nameservers. Then set up the domain as either an Addon or Parked domain in your cPanel. Once 4-24 hours has passed and DNS has propagated, your new domain will be fully functional.

Please feel free to submit a question in the Support Center if you have any additional questions or need further assistance. Our Support Team is also here 24/7 to assist you.


Christi N.
13,688 Points
2012-04-13 3:44 pm
Hello Alan,

I'm sorry you're having trouble with your website. Is the site you're having trouble with your main domain name or a different domain? I'm not seeing any trouble on your main domain name, other than some extraneous code that looks like it may have been intended to verify your site with Google.

You also recently emailed our Customer Care Department regarding a domain you are having trouble with (but not the main domain on your site). Unfortunately, the domain referenced in your email is not currently registered or set up in your cPanel as either an Addon on Parked domain. In order for that domain to work, please register it with a registrar that can register .uk domains and have them point the domain to our Nameservers. Then set up the domain as either an Addon or Parked domain in your cPanel. Once 4-24 hours has passed and DNS has propagated, your new domain will be fully functional.

Please feel free to submit a question in the Support Center if you have any additional questions or need further assistance. Our Support Team is also here 24/7 to assist you.


Christi N.

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