What is the cause of my 406 errors?

Asked by:
llluhci / 5 Points
2015-03-29 6:22 pm EST
In awstats I am currently showing over 3000 hits on status code 406. In Cpanel under error logs there is nothing listed. When I go to my site everything works. My first question would be how do I go about finding what is giving these 406s? Secondly, after much searching to no avail, are the 406 coming from my site or from "attempts" or "requests" made externally that I am being protected from?

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16,266 Points
2015-03-30 10:37 pm EST

Thank you for your question on 406 errors. The Support team has access to logs that can give more details on why each individual 406 was thrown, but the logs in the cPanel do not go that deep. They are most often caused by attempts to access the server in ways that are against different security rules. Most are benig and happen due to various bots trying to crawl the site in different ways. It can also be due to code attempting to perform something that a rule was written to prevent. This does not mean they are malicious, but most rules are there to prevent abuse. As long as you are not seeing a 406 during the normal use of your site, you can mostly ignore the hits.

Kindest Regards,
Scott Mweb

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