FTP Error in Dreamweaver

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HubFans / n/a Points
2015-05-26 12:00 am EST
I have an add-on site bootstrapforjordan8945.us. I keep getting error messages when testing the ftp connection or when trying to publish. The first is: "An FTP Error Occurred -- cannot make connection to host. User limit reached or not authorized to make the connection due to local firewall blocking ftp data." The second error message is:
"An FTP Error Occurred -- cannot open server folder public_html/". I followed the add-on configuration settings found here: http://www.webhostinghub.com/help/learn/website/dreamweaver/configure-addon-server-settings-dreamweaver
Still the error messages occur.
Also, the "remote" and "testing" checkboxes are checked.

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17,314 Points
2015-05-26 6:29 pm EST

Sorry for the problem with your FTP. This issue is clarified by the error message that you're seeing: "...User limit reached or not authorized to make the connection due to local firewall blocking ftp data." Your network connection to the internet is indicating that FTP is being blocked/limited. I checked on the server to see if I could create an account for FTP and then login and it works with no problem The issue definitely points to a firewall or setting where you connect to the internet. It may be a router, or software firewall, etc. Unfortunately, we can't really see or correct that from our end.

You may also want to reference our setup article for Dreamweaver. Although it's for an older version, the setup for FTP should be similar: Configure Main Domain Server Settings in Dreamweaver CS5.

I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Arnel C.

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