After you have created your website in Dreamweaver, you can configure your site's server settings to publish your site to your account on the server at Web Hosting Hub.

Please note, the instructions that follow are for publishing to your main domain name. If you want to set up Dreamweaver to publish to an Addon domain, please see our tutorial on configuring your server settings in Dreamweaver to publish to an Addon domain.

  1. First open your site settings by clicking Site, then Manage Sites...


  2. Choose your site from the list and click Edit


  3. If the server settings have not been configured, click Servers and then click the plus sign to add a new server. If you already configured a server, choose the server from the list and click the pencil icon to edit your server settings.


  4. Fill out the Basic server settings as described below, and then click Test
    Dreamweaver basic server settings
    Server Name Enter any name for this server account that will help you remember which one it is
    Connect using FTP
    FTP Address Enter your main domain name
    Username and Password Enter your cPanel username and password
    Root Directory Enter public_html since this is your main domain's document root.
    Web URL Dreamweaver will auto fill this field when you enter a root directory. Please be sure to remove "public_html" from the Web URL so that it only reads
    More Options Select the box next to Use Passive FTP


  5. When your server settings test was a success, click "OK" and then click "Save"


You can now publish your main domain's website from Dreamweaver.

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