The front end users in Contao are termed as "members" per their documentation.  The members can be organized into groups that can be then assigned to specific areas of a Contao website.  The following article explains how to manage member groups within the Contao CMS back end interface.


Creating Member Groups

  1. Login to the Contao Back End interface
  2. In the left hand part of the screen, in the section labeled Back end modules, click on MEMBER GROUPS.
  3. This will immediately show a list of any existing groups.  The screenshot below displays the sample group data that is part of the Contao default installation:


    The interface will list the first letter of each created group and then actual group in alphabetical order by default.  You can see this in the screenshot above.  There are also several options within the interface that will be detailed in the table below:

    member-groups-filter-option The filter option allows you to filter by the option  labeled "Deactivate".  Click on the  drop-down menu to select YES or NO for groups that are enabled or not.
    membergroups-search-option The search option lets you search specifically by the title of the group.  Type in the blank field to specify the group
    membergroups-show-option The show option allows you to select groups based on the numbers of groups.  You can select a range to show.
    refresh-icon Refresh icon - click on this icon in order to refresh the results after you changed your search, filter, or show criteria
     newgroup-icon Add New Group option - select this option create a new group
     edit-multiple-icon Edit Multiple - lets you modify multiple groups fields in one interface
     edit-icon-highlighted Edit icon - allows you to edit a specific group
     duplicate-icon Duplicate icon - click on this icon to duplicate the record of the group that you have selected; will require a unique name
     delete-icon Delete icon - delete the group; will ask to confirm deletion
     activate-deactivate-icon Activate/Deactivate - enables or disables the group
     show-detail-icon Show Details - shows all of the details of group in a list format

    Click on NEW GROUP in order to proceed.

  4. When creating a new group, you will see a form appear that requires a TITLE in order to be saved.  Each section of the form is detailed below the screenshot:


    Title Required to create new group - this is the name of the group
    Redirect on login Allows you to set a specific page that a member would be directed to upon login
    Deactivate Disables the group if selected
    Activate/Deactivate time and date Date and time that you can enable and disable the group

    Fill in each field in order for the new group that you are creating. Do not select or do not fill in the option if you do not wish to redirect, deactivate or set a time range where the member group can be used.

  5. Click on a SAVE option in order to save your entries.

Remember that your member groups are assigned to view the front end of your Contao website.  Assign their permissions accordingly, and be careful to separate your members per your organization requirements. To assign members to the member groups, go to Managing Members in Contao.

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