Section 1: What is cPanel?
In this guide, you can learn what cPanel is and some of the common features of the web server control panel.
Hits: 20,735
Section 2: How to Login to cPanel
How to login to your cPanel, so you can manage your hosting account.
Hits: 448,150
Section 3: The Layout of the cPanel Admin Page
If this is your first time using cPanel, here we will help you understand the structure of the cPanel admin page.
Hits: 9,613
Section 4: Using the cPanel Video Tutorials
As you begin using cPanel, there are video tutorials available to help you with whatever task you are trying to complete.
Hits: 4,168
Section 5: Changing your cPanel Password
In this guide, you can learn how to reset your cPanel password from within cPanel and how to use the Password Generator.
Hits: 8,887
Section 6: How to Find Your Shared IP Address in cPanel
In this guide, you can learn how to view your Shared IP address in cPanel.
Hits: 24,650
Section 7: How find and view the cPanel Statistics
Hits: 2,057
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