At Web Hosting Hub, phpMyAdmin is included on all hosting accounts.  To access phpMyAdmin, first you must log into your account cPanel. There may be times however that you need a developer to access your databases.  If you don't want to give your developer access to the cPanel, you can install PHPMyAdmin.  This will allow you to give your developer direct access to phpmyadmin without logging into cPanel.

Installing phpMyAdmin

  1. Visit this site and download the latest version of phpMyAdmin:


  2. Once you download the zip file, upload the zip file into your public_html folder.  You can do this via FTP, however in this example we will use the cPanel File Manager:


  3. Once the file is uploaded, extract the file. To extract the file, click the zip file and select Extract:


  4. Make sure the zip file is extracted into the public_html folder:


  5. You now need to create a folder in phpMyAdmin- folder. Open the folder that was just created by the unzipped file:


  6. Next click on New Folder in the menu:


  7. Name the new folder you are creating “config”:


  8. Now go back to your public_html folder.  Next we will rename the phpMyAdmin- folder to just phpmyadmin.  We do this to make the link to access your phpmyadmin easier to remember.  To rename the folder, first right-click on phpMyAdmin- and select "Rename":


  9. In the box, put in the new name as phpmyadmin and click OK:


  10. Next we will set up phpMyAdmin. Visit in your web browser (replacing with your domain name). The following page will appear:


  11. You will need to create a file. This setup page will create the file for you. Click New server as highlighted above.  In the field labeled “Verbose name of this server” enter a name for your server.  In this example we will just call it "Hub Server".  Once you have put in your server name, click Save:


  12. Confirm your server name is added and click Save again:


  13. Now we will go back to your cPanel File Manager.  In the "config" folder that we created earlier, now there is a file called


  14. We need to move the file into the phpmyadmin folder. Right-click on the and select "Move." Move the file to the phpmyadmin folder:


  15. We are almost done.  So that no one else can configure your settings, once the file's moved delete the config folder:


  16. Finally we are ready to access your phpmyadmin.  In your browser, visit (replacing with your primary domain):


  17. Now you can log directly into your phpmyadmin without accessing the cPanel.  For the username and password, just use the username and password for one of your databases.  To find the user assigned to your database, login to your cPanel and access the MySQL Databases section:


  18. Once you have confirmed your username, you can log into phpmyadmin:


    If you've forgotten your database password, check your database software for the best method to retrieve it.

  19. Congratulations, now you know how to install phpMyAdmin in your cPanel account.

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n/a Points
2015-02-18 3:34 pm

Hi i followed the steps but i cn't seem to log in to pypmyadmin. i put in the username and password from my cpanel but i can't log in. any suggestions 

12,339 Points
2015-02-19 8:17 pm
Hello N_Thirty,

Thank you for your question. Your cPanel credentials will not allow you to access your databases.

Instead, you must Create a Database User, and Assign a User to a Database.

You will then be able to login to your database using the user you just created.

Thank you,
n/a Points
2015-07-11 9:04 pm

I've complete all steps and write but no any page open. Kindly help me via mail. 

16,266 Points
2015-07-13 8:26 pm
Hello zohaib,

When I visit the link I get the phpMyAdmin login page. Were you able to fix the error yourself or are you still seeing an error?

Kindest Regards,
Scott M
n/a Points
2016-04-28 3:44 pm

Thankyou so much. Its working properly

n/a Points
2016-10-07 9:26 pm

WHat should be there in the server name field.I'm not able to access my database directly please help.


12,339 Points
2016-10-07 10:03 pm
Typically, it would be 'localhost' unless you are connecting remotely, then it will be the domain name.

Thank you,
n/a Points
2018-10-05 3:07 pm


Thanks for this tutorial.

I followed all your steps and successfully installed phpmyadmin but i got following error.

phpMyAdmin - Error

Invalid authentication method set in configuration: cookie

Please suggest some solution so i can access my phpmyadmin.

536 Points
2018-10-05 5:12 pm
Please ensure you don't have any extra spaces before and after that word in the config file.

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