Learn about the causes and solutions to many AutoSSL problems in this guide. There can be many reasons for AutoSSL issues and we will explain the most common ones.

Is the Domain Pointed to our IP Address?

Ensure you are pointed to our nameservers, have a CDN that is setup correctly or have an 'A record' that is pointed to your account IP. Here are some guides to assist you in confirming this is configured accurately.

Check your .htaccess Rules

Since your .htaccess file handles rewrite rules and redirects, it can often be the cause of AutoSSL issues. Here are some guides to help you access, view and troubleshoot your .htaccess file.

Disable Security Plugins

Since the .htaccess file can be modified by your plugins they can often cause conflicts. As a test try disabling any security plugins you are using.

CDN Related Issues

If you are using a CDN to manage your DNS (such as Sucuri or Cloudflare) you may need to purge the cache with them before enabling the AutoSSL for your account. This ensures the correct .htaccess file and DCV are cached with the CDN and allows the SSL Certificate to be installed successfully.

Additional Notes

When AutoSSL is enabled for an account and a domains or subdomain is added, the Server generates a Self-Signed request initially and proceeds to work on getting an SSL certificate (based on Domain Name Validation).

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