The MultiPHP INI Editor in cPanel allows you to make configuration changes to your PHP settings. Along with the MultiPHP Manager, you can change the PHP version of your sites. There are two modes to the MultiPHP INI Editor: and Editor.

Basic Mode

When you are using Basic Mode you can easily change the most common PHP configuration by selecting the option from a list. Eachg option has a description to provide more information. Note that the available options will vary depending on the version of PHP. The MultiPHP INI Editor also shows the default setting for these as listed on the site. Follow the steps below to use the tool:

  1. Login to cPanel.
  2. Select MultiPHP Editor In the Software section, click on MultiPHP INI Editor. When you select the MultiPHP Editor you will be opening the tab labeled Basic Mode
  3. Select location from the drop-down Under Configure PHP INI basic settings click the dropdown menu that says -- Select a location --.
  4. Select directive that you want to change and change it Select a PHP Directive that you wish to change.
  5. After completing your changes, click Apply at the bottom of the screen.

Editor Mode

The Editor Mode gives you easy access to add custom PHP configuration changes per domain. You will be able to change PHP variables that are not listed in the Basic Mode. You will also see the path for the PHP.ini file that you are editing. Follow the steps below to use the tool:

  1. Login to cPanel
  2. Select MultiPHP Editor Scroll down to the Software section, then click on MultiPHP INI Editor.
  3. Select Editor Mode When MultiPHP Editor opens, select the Editor Mode tab.
  4. Select the location Under Configure PHP INI basic settings click the dropdown menu that says -- Select a location --. Pick the domain that you want to edit.
  5. Create or Edit the existing file Select the file that you want to edit or create one if needed.
  6. When you're finished making changes, click Save.

Congratulations! You now know how to make PHP configuration changes using cPanel’s MultiPHP INI Editor.
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