What is Redemption?

After a domain name expires, there is a short grace period where it can be renewed at regular cost. Our registrar partner allows this to be done for 40 days after expiration.

After the 40 day grace period, the domain name is moved to another status known as 'Redemption'. The domain will remain in this status for 30 days. After that redemption period, the domain will again be released for purchase by the general public.

Can I still get my domain name?

The domain can still be recovered by the owner during redemption as it is not yet available for public purchase. This status is costly as the registrar will impose a fee to 'reclaim' the domain from the redemtion status. The redemption cost for the TLDs we handle is $80 plus $14.98 for 1 year renewal. In total, the redemption fee is $94.99.

What happens if I wait until redemption is over?

If the domain is not recovered during the Redemption phase, it will then be released for public purchase at normal cost. Be advised, however that anyone can purchase the domain at this time. This means someone else may grab it before you do.

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