When checking your email, sometimes you will not receive an email that you were expecting. Missing email can be caused by many different factors.

Perform a Whois lookup

The WHOIS database is a public database that contains details about a domain, such as who it belongs to, and when it was last modified. When you lookup your Whois, the main thing you want to check for is the expiration date, to ensure it has not expired. If it has expired, you must renew the domain with your registrar, and point back to our Nameservers. Then within 24 hours it will propagate back to us, and restore functionality.

How do you check your email?

Troubleshooting steps vary depending on how you check your email.

When checking your email via webmail

  • If you send yourself an email and it does not arrive in your Webmail, be sure that you are logging into Webmail using your full email address as the username and not using your cPanel username as your Webmail username.
  • If your email account is over its allowed usage, you will not be able to receive new emails.  To make sure your address is not over the quota, you can log into your cPanel, select Email Accounts, and view/edit the quota for each account as needed.
  • If you have SpamAssassin enabled, the emails may have been labeled as spam and sent to the spam folder.
  • On occasion, our System Administration team may move your account to another server. When your site is moved to a new server, you will receive an email with your new server number.  If you log in with your domain name (http://yourdomain.com/webmail) then it should automatically log you into the correct server for your account.

When checking your email via an email client

  • Ensure that you are using your FULL email address as your username.
  • Ensure you are using the correct password for that email account and not your cPanel password.
  • Ensure that you do not have an option enabled that is similar to, "Log on using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)"
  • If you are receiving a password prompt, ensure you are using the correct password by first resetting your email account's password within cPanel.

If you are getting an error message, but it is not prompting you for your username and password, contact our Support Department for further assistance.

When Checking for email via a combination of both webmail and an email client

If you have setup an email account in your email client as a POP account, when your email client is accessing the email it is downloading a copy to your local computer.  Once it is downloaded to your computer it will not be visible in your webmail or on your mobile phone. Most email clients will allow you to connect and leave a copy of the email on the server. This setting can be set within the advanced settings of most email clients, and you'll want to enable this setting if using both a POP account and an IMAP account.

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n/a Points
2014-06-29 11:25 pm

Hello again,

Sorry but still confused - the blog appears under my domain as I expected.

People can access the blog and leave a comment which pops up in my dashboard for me to approve or trash. I am guessing if I approve the comment appears on the blog and starts a thread on the blog.

The email you're talking about here as a derivative of the domain - this isn't a blog comment is it? If somebody emails me using the domain derivative, where do I find the email if it doesn't appear on the face of the blog?

Thanks, mark



16,266 Points
2014-06-29 11:57 pm
Hello Mark,

Approving a comment will make it active on your WordPress. However, I am unsure what you are meaning about the email. Emails received are not shown in the WordPress dashboard. This article is specifically about emails you were expecting not showing up in your email client (webmail, macmail, outlook, etc). Are you having that sort of issue currently?

Kindest Regards,
Scott M
n/a Points
2014-10-16 12:47 am



I seem to have difficulties in receiving emails on eb.wijkstra@ebbco.co.nz. This is already since 26 June 2014 the case. I can get into my mail box which is in fact a google mail account and send emails, but no luck whatsoever in receiving them.

the domain name Ebbco.co.nz has been changed from one provider to another and since the transition I have this problem. I created another gmail account and the @ebbco.co.nz emails were diverted to this new email address without any problems.

Can anybody help me please to get my old email back to receiving messages.




Kind regards,


Eb W.

17,314 Points
2014-10-16 2:16 am
Hello Eb W,

Sorry to hear about your email problems. It sounds like you had a change in server definition for the domain at one point. If the settings on Gmail were not changed, then they may still be pointing to the old server. In order for us to help you, we would need to know what settings you're using. The settings you're using for receiving emails should be similar to those found in our article on How to Find Your Email Settings.

I would suggest that you delete the settings and then re-add them to your Google account. If you continue to have problems, then please indicate the settings you're using within Google and we can look into the issue further.

Arnel C.
n/a Points
2014-10-17 6:40 am

Hi Arnel,


Thank you for your help.


Indeed the domain name was chnaged, but not the old settings.


Everything is now redone and the email semms to work ok.


Once again thanks for your help.


Kind regards,


Eb W.

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