Joomla provides a large number of options when it comes to managing its users. To keep things simple we will break down the functionality per function. This article will define the process of adding a new user and show how the user will appear within the User Manager interface of the Joomla dashboard.

Creating New Users in Joomla 3.1

  1. Log into the Joomla Dashboard.
  2. Menu for adding a new userAt the top of the page click on the drop down arrow next to Users. Click on User Manager then select Add New User when it pops up to the right of the menu.
  3. Form for a new userYou will see a form for adding a new user into the Joomla database. Required items are marked with an asterisk. When you enter a password, it will be masked and you will be required to verify it by typing it twice. Fill in the form for your new user, then click on the next tab labeled Assigned User Groups.
  4. Assigned User groupsThe user groups displayed in the screenshot are default, but you can edit and add to them at any time. By default, the REGISTERED option will be automatically selected. You can add or change user group for the user at any time. Select a user group for your new user, or click on Basic Settings to continue.
  5. Basic Settings for userThe Basic Settings includes the template style, languages, available editors, available help sites, and time zones that the user can see or access when logged into the Joomla website.
  6. User saved messageClick on the green Save button or Save and Close at the top of the screen in order to save your new user. When the user is successfully saved you will get a green message as confirmation.

As you add users you will see the users listed in the interface. You have a variety of options to search and sort the users that are created. As you add users to your site keep in mind that the security of your site can depend on the practices and passwords of your users. Make sure that your users are aware of this need and regularly cycle your passwords to help maintain the security of your installation.

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