If you want to have a Photo Gallery to your website, it can be easily added in the Premium Web Builder.  On the Pages section of your Web Builder, add the Image Gallery from the Special pages section and then go to the Edit section of your website to modify your Image Gallery.

How do I Add Images to my Image Gallery?

When you open the Image Gallery page under the Edit section of the Premium Web Builder, by default there are three images already loaded, but you will want to upload your own images.  First, click on the "Image Upload" button under "Tools":


Now you will browse your computer to upload your images.  You can upload as many as you want, in this example we will upload five images.  By each "Image File" option, select "Choose File" to browse your computer. 


You can also choose the resolution that the images will be re-sized to, which is highlighted above.  Resizing your image to a smaller size will help your website load faster.  Once you have located the file you want to upload, click "Open" and it will display next to the "Choose File" button as well as under the description:


By default the display name is also the name of the photo, however you can change the name the photo will have on your website when your visitors view your page.  In this example, I have simply removed the ".jpg" at the end of the photo names so that .jpg will not display on the website:


Once you have uploaded the photos and have changed the names of the photos if needed, click on "OK" and it will bring you back to the Image Gallery.  Now you see your images listed:


To delete the default images, click the check boxes by each one, and then click on "Remove Selected:"


Now your Image Gallery only contains the images that you uploaded:


Click here to view the next section for help organizing your images.  If you require a list of all the classes in this course, then please go to 201: Setting Up an Image Gallery.

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