There are a few different ways to determine the version of PrestaShop 1.6 that you are running. If you were not responsible for the installation of the ecommerce program, then you should know where to look to find this information. Version and server information is important for troubleshooting purposes. Knowing your configuration will also help in improving your server performance. The following article shows multiple ways to determine the version that you are using.

Finding Your Version in the PrestaShop Back Office

PrestaShop has several locations where you can see the version of the software loaded to your server. In order to use the following steps, you will need to be logged into the back office (often abbreviated "BO" in PrestaShop forums). It's also often called the PrestaShop 1.6 Administrator.

Version Information in the PrestaShop Administrator

  1. Login the PrestaShop 1.6 Administrator
  2. Click on any item menu at left

    Click on any item in the menu column at left.

  3. Click on any item menu at left

    Scroll to the bottom of the screen in any of the menu items and you will see a translucent overlay that shows a version number in the bottom left hand portion of the screen. You will also see a load time (in seconds) for the screen.

Note that the backoffice footer will only appear when the bottom of the screen has been reached. This bar appears in every menu item as long you have scrolled to the bottom of the screen or if the screen fits within your window.

Finding your PrestaShop Version in the Install Files

The version of PrestaShop can also be found in the installation files, specifically the file. The following steps show where to find the file and its contents. Note that these steps are based on an account within Web Hosting Hub using the cPanel File Manager

  1. Login to your cPanel.
  2. Scroll through cPanel options until you find the section labeled Files, then click on File Manager
  3. When the File Manager first opens, it will ask you which directory to open. Choose the option that best works for you. If you have multiple domains on your installation, then you may want to select the Document Root option and pick the domain in question. Make sure that "Show Hidden Files" is checked, then click on Go. You will need to be able to find the location of your PrestaShop installation files. The default Root directory for websites in Web Hosting Hub is the public_html folder.
  4. In the folder of your PrestaShop installation files, click on the config folder. This folder will contain file labeled Right-click on the file and then select an edit option. You can also left-click on the file, then go to the top of the File Manager screen and click on edit option available in the top menu bar. The file that appears will be similar to the one below:

    define('_DB_SERVER_', 'localhost');
    define('_DB_NAME_', 'example_ps1603');
    define('_DB_USER_', 'example_ps1603u');
    define('_DB_PASSWD_', 'password');
    define('_DB_PREFIX_', 'ps_');
    define('_MYSQL_ENGINE_', 'InnoDB');
    define('_PS_CACHING_SYSTEM_', 'CacheMemcache');
    define('_PS_CACHE_ENABLED_', '0');
    define('_MEDIA_SERVER_1_', '');
    define('_MEDIA_SERVER_2_', '');
    define('_MEDIA_SERVER_3_', '');
    define('_COOKIE_KEY_', '7nzYtLkq1Hdkfjeigjeigjeiejrih33VQOrQ7BMiNVW14STKffLEuh9ZI0m6Vf');
    define('_COOKIE_IV_', 'AD394DH');
    define('_PS_CREATION_DATE_', '2014-02-06');
    define('_PS_VERSION_', '');
    define('_RIJNDAEL_KEY_', 's4ABEDDekej3940FD');
    define('_RIJNDAEL_IV_', '1dkerj30D33==');
    define('_PS_DIRECTORY_', '/../../');
  5. Look through the file and locate PS_VERSION. This will be the current version of PrestaShop.

Configuration Information

The PrestaShop configuration information includes server, database, and store information. It also includes information about your internet browser and mail configuration. This information is extremely valuable when troubleshooting your installation. There is also a section that checks your configuration and provides details on errors that PrestaShop has been able to detect. At the bottom of the screen is the List of Changed Files section. Files that have been modified from the original installation files will be listed here. Note that this is one of a few screens that does not show the backoffice footer.

  1. Login the PrestaShop 1.6 Administrator
  2. Menu for configuration info

    Hover over Advanced Parameters in the menu at the left.

  3. Configuration info

    Click on the option that appears in the pop-up menu labeled Configuration Information.

Configuration information should be provided if you ever use the PrestaShop bug tracker or forums.

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