If you just want to know how to connect to your server via SSH, please see our full guide on Logging into your server using SSH.

Shell Access

Web Hosting Hub now allows customers to connect to their accounts via SSH (Secure SHell), which allows remote command line access to your web hosting server. For those who are familiar or willing to learn it, SSH can be very helpful. For instance, it can help you speed up certain tasks or even allow you to perform tasks you are not able to within the cPanel interface.

What exactly is the Command Line?

Currently graphical user interfaces (GUIs), such as the cPanel, are very common and used more often to perform tasks by using a mouse. A command line interface, however, is a much simpler interface that allows you to use text based commands to perform tasks. Below are two screenshots showing the two types of interfaces.

GUI InterfaceCommand Line Interface

Instead of right clicking a file in the File Manager and selecting "Change Permissions" in the cPanel, in the command line interface you would use a text command like:

chmod 755 textfile.txt

Do I REALLY need Shell Access?

For the most part, no, shell access is not needed in order to manage your hosting account. Shell Access is generally desired and used by more advanced users. Most of these users are either familiar with the Linux command line and prefer to work this way. Other times SSH is needed because they need to install server side applications and shell access is required to do so.

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