The majority of bbPress themes available on the internet for download are currently for versions 1.0-1.1 of bbPress.  It is important to note this since the following instructions  for installation are for bbPress version 2.0 or greater.  We will discuss finding bbPress 2.0 themes (premium and free) and describe the process of installing these compatible themes.

Finding and Downloading bbPress 2.0 Themes

Finding available  bbPress themes for 2.0 or greater is difficult because there are simply not many available  - either free or premium versions.

Premium bbPress themes

Two notable premium themes that are currently available are from and Studiopress ( StudioPress Website) using its Genesis Framework.  You will need purchase the Genesis Framework before being able to use the Studiopress themes.   Installation of premium themes may have different installation requirements based on their prerequisites.  Please see the appropriate documentation in order properly install the theme.

Free bbPress themes

The free themes for bbPress 2.0 have been noted by the authors as being on the site here:

There are currently 2 free available themes that you may consider for the development of your forum.  This number will undoubtedly increase as the new version of bbPress (version 2.1) is released. Note that the primary difference with bbPress 2.0 is that it uses the same theme as the Wordpress for which it was installed.

Installing bbPress 2.0 Themes

The process to install a theme for bbPress version 2.0 or greater is exactly the same as loading a theme for Wordpress.  Here's a quick summary of the steps involved:

  1. Login to the Wordpress Dashboard as the Administrator
  2. In the left menu, click on Appearance and then click Themes (note: You will need to obtain the Theme file, typically a zip file,  before doing the installation)
  3. Click on the INSTALL THEMES tab at the top of the page, then select UPLOAD from the menu to upload the file.
  4. bbPress-add-new-theme
  5. Finally, click Activate theme to finish the theme installation.

At this point, if necessary, you can add the bbPress Templates if you wish, but these themes do include bbPress compatibility already.   You will have to rebuild widgets and other options if you have moved from the default theme.

Note that as the product matures, more themes will become available and the integration for the product will improve.  The next version of bbPress (version 2.1) is already in testing and promises to make theme integration much easier.

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