Patchman is a malware and vulnerability detection, and patching program. It is able to detect and safely fix vulnerabilities in many web applications. For example, this includes WordPress 3.x and later, Joomla! 1.5.x and later, and Drupal 5.x and later. This helps save time, and frustration by preventing hacks before they happen. Patchman even has the ability to undo the automatic changes it has made. Using it is free-of-charge on our business class and reseller class hosting plans.

Great! How See If Patchman Made Any Changes?

  1. Login to cPanel
  2. From the Advanced section, click on Patchman
  3. On the Patchman page, the detections for your account are in a table at the bottom of the page. Note that vulnerabilities listed as Resolved show that a file was patched.

How Do I Undo Changes Patchman Has Made?

  1. Login to cPanel
  2. From the Advanced section, click on Patchman
  3. In the detections table, click on Actions
  4. Click on Undo patch
  5. The Status column for the undone patch will now show as Reverted

Congratulations! You now know what Patchman is, how to check vulnerabilities it has found, and how to de-patch a file.

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