Like other major social networks, Google Plus has a button that needs to go on each web page where you want the network to be accessed.  The Contao extension allows for operation of the button, but the actual implementation of the button occurs when the button is added to the web page.  The following article explains how to add the buttons to a page within the Contao front end.  If you have not already loaded the Contao extension for Google Plus, please go to Setting Up Google Plus for Contao.

Setting up Google Plus Buttons on Contao Web Pages

  1. Login to the Contao Back end.
  2. In the left-hand column labeled Back end modules, scroll down until you find SITE STRUCTURE in the Layout section.  Click on Site Structure.
  3. Edit Articles in Site structure - shows icon label when you over each menu iconFind a page that you wish to use for the Google Plus button.  Click on the icon at the far right - when you hover over the icon, the icon will display a pop up menu that reads "Edit the articles of page ID#".
  4. Editing the Academy page in the default site for the Google Plus buttonYou will see the ARTICLESview of the page.  Click on the pencil icon in order to edit the first item UNDER the title of the page.  In the case of the sample at right, the first item being edited is "the academy".
  5. googleplus-in-element-menuClick on the first article of content.  The following screenshot shows where to go for the next step.  Click on the Element Type drop-down.  Scroll down until you see the options for Google Plus.  Select the Google +1 Button
  6. Click on any of the SAVE options at the bottom of the screen in order to save your entries.


When you have completed the change, you will immediately see the entry of the Google +1 button in the Articles.  Here's what it will appear like in the Back end:

Back end entry for the Google +1 button

The public will see the change in the front end, and that entry will appear like this:

Front end with the Google plus button

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