If you have emails that get blocked by SpamExperts that are not actual spam, you can report it so that the algorithm gets more efficient and have them removed. In this article, we will demonstrate how to report spam email as false positives in your SpamExperts dashboard.

Using the Report Not Spam Tool

If you have emails being reported as spam, you can take a copy of the email and then use it to train the Spam Experts application to treat it not spam. You will need to download a copy of the email as a .eml or .msg file.

  1. Log into your SpamExperts account dashboard.
  2. click on Train not spam Click on the Train not spam under the General section of the Spam Experts menu (displayed in the left column).
  3. Click on the browse field to select the email that you're going to use to train Spam Experts.
  4. Click on the Upload button.

Train not spam screen

After the file is uploaded you should get a green confirmation message saying it was successfully uploaded. At this point Spam Experts will have been trained to recognize your spam email as not spam.

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