When you whitelist a recipient, then emails that are sent to any particular individual are not filtered by Spam Experts. This is only recommended for recipients who you do not need to emails to be filtered. For example, if you're sending emails to a postmaster or abuse, they may have need to emails with content that would typically be filtered by Spam Experts.

  1. Log into your SpamExperts account.
  2. Clicking on Incoming- Protection Settings Scroll to Incoming- Protection Settings and then click on the Recipient whitelist icon.
  3. click on the link- Mailbox Overview In order to whitelist recipients, you will need to disable incoming filtering in the Mailbox Overview. The Filtered (incoming) option should be set to "No." To do this, please start by clicking on Mailboxes Overview in the link at the top of the page.
  4. Make sure you're on the Mailboxes tab Make sure you're on the Mailboxes tab towards the top of the page. Click on the tab if needed.
  5. Click on +Add Mailbox Click on + Add mailbox.
  6. Turn of the filtering A pop-up window will appear where you can add the email address you're customizing the filtering settings for. Scroll down to the line labeled Filtered (incoming). Click on No.
  7. Click on Save.

At this point, the address that you turned off filtering for will be whitelisted. Filtering is not applied from Spam Experts, so remember that email sent to the recipient would not be blocked.

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