Spam is unsolicited and unwanted email that is sent to your email account.  Spam emails could just be a harmless message or they could have a virus, but either way spam makes it take longer to find any legitimate email that you have received.  Different types of spam circulate the web, and below we have detailed the most popular.

Promotional Spam

This is the most common type of spam message.  As the name suggests, promotional spam messages are emails that you receive selling a product that you are not interested in.  Generally these emails will have a hyperlink, and since the link can contain a virus it is very important not to click on any links in emails that you are not sure what they are.  Before clicking a link in any email that is selling something, make sure that it is a service that you signed up for first.

Phishing Spam

A phishing scam is when you get an email that looks like it comes from a trusted website, but really it is a spam site looking to steal your personal information.  For example, you may get an email that looks like it is from Bank of America, but really it is a fake login page that will allow a hacker to obtain your login credentials.  To help prevent this, visit your financial sites directly and not by clicking on a link in an email.  Also remember that most financial institutions will not ask for information such as your password or social security number over email.

Illegal Schemes

Some email spam, such as Nigerian schemes, are illegal activities that try to trick you to send money while getting nothing in return.  These emails will try to convince you to cash a check, send money back to the person that gave you the check, and then the check bounces and you are out all of the money.  This can include also emails to buy a pet from overseas or even rent a house from overseas.  Any time you get an email that requires you to send money to a third party you have not met to get even more money returned, it is likely an illegal money making scheme.

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