Attribute groups are used to organize attributes that describe products.  Attribute groups can be used to categorize multiple terms used to describe the products, helping to keep them organized.  The following tutorial explains how to make attribute groups that contain the attributes used to describe products in OpenCart 1.5.

Making Attribute Groups

  1. Login to the Administrator Dashboard
  2. Hover over the menu where it is labeled CATALOG, move your mouse over the word ATTRIBUTES when it shows int he drop-down menu.  Click on ATTRIBUTEGROUP, and you will see a screen similar to the following:


  3. Note that Attribute Groups are actually a container for the terms that will be used to describe a particular product.  These terms are the actual attributes used to describe the particular product.  The Attribute Group will actually be a broader category.  For example, for Computers, you may have an attribute Group called MEMORY, and then each attriubte added underneath it will be the different configurations of memory for the computer that you are selling. 

    In order to Create a NEW Attribute Group, click on INSERT in the top right-hand corner.  Editing an attribute just means that it has a previous definition and you would be editing that entry.  Here's an example of what you would see:

    attribute-group-insert attribute-group-edit

  4. Notice that there are two fields for the Attriibute Group Names above.  This is due to the fact that there are multiple languages loaded on this installation of OpenCart.  These fields are mandatory and must be filled.  The Sort Order determines how the Attribute Group will appear in table when a customer is looking at a product comparison.

  5. When you complete your changes or new entries, click on SAVE in order save your work.


Attribute groups can best be seen when using the Product comparison option in the OpenCart Storefront.  The screen shot below illustrates where the Attribute groups appear. 


Make sure to create attribute groups that apply to your products and will properly describe them so that product comparisons can be made by your customers.

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