image of default oscommerce site after installIn the first section of our osCommerce Education channel we will cover installing, securing and logging into the Admin portion of the software.
Section 1: Installing osCommerce Using Softaculous
In this first tutorial of our education channel we will guide you through installing osCommerce from Softaculous, which simplifies the process to just a few steps.
Hits: 1,731
Section 2: How to Manually Install osCommerce
This tutorial will walk you completely through a manual installation of osCommerce.
Hits: 3,127
Section 3: Securing osCommerce Through htaccess/htpasswd
In this tutorial we will show you how to protect your osCommerce website using the htaccess / htpasswd, which is an important step in securing your website.
Hits: 2,889
Section 4: Logging into the osCommerce Admin Panel
After installing osCommerce the next step is accessing the Admin panel. In this tutorial we will show you how to login to the Administrator Panel in osCommerce.
Hits: 10,342
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